Роскошная квартира

оздается новая жилая зона в классическом стиле. В сказочно красивой вилле
жилой площадью

Milo-villa interior design for an interesting project in Moscow Kабинет в Москве  Москве  Москве Кабинет в Москве  Москве Домашний кинотеатр  кинотеатр special-fire-places for exquisite Russian customers Fire-places in high-quality Design for fastidious customers Fantastic fire-places for lovers of open fire places Interior Design of the entrance area in a Moscow luxury dwelling Second version of Interior Design of the entrance area in a Moscow luxury mansion Livingroom design in the style of the entire villa furnishing Crystal chandeliers for the villa - livingroom design in the style of the entire mansion furnishing
архитектура |  дизайн
English version
Luxury apartment interior design - in clasic design in Moscow
German version
Luxuswohnung und deren Innenarchitektur Planung in Moskau - im stilvollen, klassischen Ambiente
Roman version
Apartament cu design de lux - оn design clasic de la Moscova
Italian version
Appartamento di lusso e la sua pianificazione interior design a Mosca - il, ambiente classico elegante
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Milo-villa interior design for an interesting project in Moscow

Moscow dacha - interior design and planning for a Moscow luxury villa. A romantic classic interior design for a Russian customers for its elegant house in Moscow.
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Pool in a Medieval Tower

The medieval tower was revitalized and now hosts a pool with a glass cupola on the uppermost floor. So, a superb panoramic view of the estate and the sea is revealed.
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Конöепöия великолепной элитной виллы на юге Испании

Design for a dwelling - to spend one’s life in an artful romantic ambience in a dream house at the coast of the Costa del Sol. The entire house match to the contour of a mountain.
( Index )
Архитектура и äизайн в ателüе "хуäошество и иäея"

Мастер Мило – арт-äиректор фирмы «Kunst & Ideen Keg» показывает свое творчество zeigt seine Arbeiten - Erlebnisgastronomie, (Innen)Architektur, Messestandbau, TV-Ausstattungen, Kinderspielplätze und Kunsthandwerk
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Проект: Частичная реконструкöия элитной виллы в Германии

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