Kiosk design and planning for a gastronomic restaurant

Kiosk or small local design and planning for a specialty restaurant. A meeting place for gourmets - they are loving exquisite wines and foods.

Kiosk design and planning for a gastronomic restaurant
Kiosk or small local design and planning for a specialty restaurant. A meeting place for gourmets - they are loving exquisite wines and foods.

Kiosk design and planning for a gastronomic restaurant
Kiosk or small local design and planning for a specialty restaurant. A meeting place for gourmets - they are loving exquisite wines and foods.

Kiosk design facades - moody integrated into the townscape
Impressive facade design for a specialty kiosk - delicious food, wines, spirits and much more will be offered !

Advanced kiosk design and planning Bar
Modern, yet classic design for a gourmet bar in a kiosk in the middle of a tourism zone

Classic and modern kiosk design and bar planning
Modern, yet classic design for a gourmet bar in a kiosk in the middle of a tourism zone

Classic and modern kiosk design and bar planning
Modern, yet classic design for a gourmet bar in a kiosk in the middle of a tourism zone

Kiosk design and planning in Ruhpolding
Bar kiosk design planning - large display areas in Schmakerl place in Ruhpolding

Bar kiosk design in "Schmakerl place", Ruhpolding
Bar Design in Schmakerl place in Ruhpolding - to accommodate a lot of goods in a small area - a eye catcher for all guests

Bar design kiosk "space specialities" in  Ruhpolding
Cosy bar kiosk design Schmakerl Place - in the center of Ruhpolding - already a meeting place for wine lovers ...

архитектура |  дизайн
English version
Kiosk design and planning for a gastronomic restaurant
German version
Kiosk Design und Planung für ein Feinschmecker Lokal
Roman version
Design chiosc si planificare pentru un restaurant gastronomic
Italian version
Kiosk design and planning for a gastronomic restaurant
( next page --> )
Kiosk design facades - moody integrated into the townscape

Impressive facade design for a specialty kiosk - delicious food, wines, spirits and much more will be offered !
( <-- back one page )
Kiosk design and planning for a gastronomic restaurant

Kiosk or small local design and planning for a specialty restaurant. A meeting place for gourmets - they are loving exquisite wines and foods.
( <<-- back one chapter )
Популярные бистро, бары и рестораны - äизайн и реализаöия

Все бары и рестораны, выполненные нами, быстро стали популярными местами äля различных мероприятий и VIP-встреч. Вложение среäств в великолепный äизайн и прекрасное исполнение оправäывает себя в считанные месяöы.
( Index )
Kiosk design and planning for a gastronomic restaurant

Kiosk or small local design and planning for a specialty restaurant. A meeting place for gourmets - they are loving exquisite wines and foods.
( next chapter --> )
Тематические отели – незабываемые гостиничные номера, уносящие в уäивителüный мир

Комнаты в стилях разных оперных äекораöий Моöарта оставляют гостям незабываемые впечатления от пребывания в вашем отеле. Интерüер, освещение и музыка сливаются в еäиное öелое.
о нас
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идеи & концепции

частное & люкс
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дети & развлекательные миры
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казино & игры
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© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |
Context description:  Kiosk bistro Kioskbistro gourmet Kioskgourmet bar Kioskbar interior Kioskinterior design Kioskdesign bistrodesign Kioskbistrodesign gourmetdesign Kioskgourmetdesign bardesign Kioskbardesign interiordesign Kioskinteriordesign planning Kioskplanning bistroplanning Kioskbistroplanning gourmetplanning Kioskgourmetplanning barplanning Kioskbarplanning interiorplanning Kioskinteriorplanning designplanning Kioskdesignplanning bistrodesignplanning Kioskbistrodesignplanning gourmetdesignplanning Kioskgourmetdesignplanning bardesignplanning Kioskbardesignplanning interiordesignplanning Kioskinteriordesignplanning
Salzburg Austria Austrian designs interiordesigns designer interiordesigner designers interiordesigners artist interiorartist artists interiorartists murals interiormurals Alexander Milo Innenarchitektur Salzburg childrens playground childrensplanning playgroundplanning childrensdesign playgrounddesign