Company lobby conception and design for Bikar metal in germany

Companies lobby planning and design in geometrical forms, a well as eyecatcher and a meeting area

Company lobby conception and design for Bikar metal in germany
Companies lobby planning and design in geometrical forms, a well as eyecatcher and a meeting area

Shopping Center skating rink from plastic plates
Shopping center equipment design planning - ideas concept for a large shopping center in Vienna - winter mood and atmosphere - with a plastic ice rink - an attraction for each shopping center

Shopping Center - space for an ice rink plastic plates
Shopping center equipment design planning - ideas concept for a large shopping center in Vienna - the space provided for the christmas attraction - for a skating ice rink - an attraction for every shopping center

Shopping Center - an atmospheric christmas attraction - a skating rink made by plastic plates
Shopping Center Equipment Design Planning - Ideas concept for a large shopping center in Vienna - a two-part course skating - outside a circular orbit and inside an ice rink with seating areas. Quick set up, less costs, no water problems - fun for every shopping center

Shopping Center - a second atmospheric christmas attraction - a skating rink made by plastic plates
Shopping center equipment design planning - ideas concept for a large shopping center in Vienna - a great skating course - with a seating island and great LED light effects on the boards and on the seat area. Quick to set up, low cost, no water problems - big fun for every shopping center

Showroom-design for presentation and company events
Show-areas, company-presentations and reception- ranges are arranged world-wide.

Showroom interior concept and design for Atronic Slot Machines
Showroom Architecture Design - for showrooms in Graz and Phoenix - showrooms, corporate presentations and attractive reception areas can be made worldwide from us.

Выставочный зал игровых автоматов Atronic
Этот выставочный зал показывает преäприятие Гаузелüманн после основания в 1947 гоäу. Мастеру Мило полностüю уäалосü созäатü ту äалекую носталüгическую атмосферу.

Showroom theme design for Atronics Creativ-Center in Graz
Exhibition theme design - the Atronic showroom and its development - started 60 years ago in an old factory - is here optically represented.

Showroom design of ATRONIC in Phoenix
Showroom concept design and equipment for the developer of money play mashines Atronic in Phoenix / Scotsdale

Италüянский образ жизни в стиле «Тоскана»
Выставочный зал фирмы Штайнер показывает мебелü äля саäа и отäыха в среäиземноморском стиле. Разнообразные элементы созäают приятную атмосферу äля посетителей.

Выставочный зал в виäе парка с саäовой мебелüю
Вокруг саäового äомика – расположенного в öентре парка – нахоäится с террасами на разных уровнях с выставленной саäовой мебелüю.

Торговый öентр: рыночный стенä с элементами носталüгии
Побеäа наä строгостüю торгового öентра: нами было разработано äизайнерское решение выставочного стенäа отäела овощей и фруктов äля торгового öентра. Прилавок с овощами и фруктами гармонично сочетается с самой современной техникой.

Выставочный зал автосалона в Вене, Австрия
Великолепное решение äизайнерской конöепöии: кафе, отäеланное элитными материалами и элементами поä старину и расположенное межäу этажами автосалона созäает особенное настроение у своих гостей.

Technical car showroom area with many light design detail
Car Showroom with many technical effects and light design

Company lobby conception and design for Bikar metal in germany
Companies lobby planning and design in geometrical forms, a well as eyecatcher and a meeting area

Company receipt planning and design for a German company
Lobby concept and planning with large well design, receipt design and a discussion area

Lobby architecture and design for Bikar metal
Lobby Design with ground light objects and high-quality materials for the company entrance of Bikar of metals.

Lobby area design and architecture for a German metall company
Lobby Design with high-quality materials, a well as eyecatcher and numerous light effects

Well eyecatcher design in the reception range of the company Bikar metals
Lobby planning of the company Bikar metals with a well eyecatcher design

TUI  Travel agency sales room design - consulting area as a light experience
Sales room design - light columns as eyecatchers - functional and elegant room design

TUI  Travel agency sales room design - consulting area as a light experience
Tui sales room design to feel good - light columns as eye-catchers - functional, light and elegant design for a client meeting room

TUI  Travel agency sales room design - consulting area as a light experience
Tui sales room design to feel good - light columns as eye-catchers - functional, light and elegant design for a client meeting room

TUI  Travel agency sales room design - consulting area as a light experience
Tui sales room design for Wohfühlen - light columns as eye-catchers - functional, light and elegant design with great light columns for a client meeting room

архитектура |  дизайн
English version
Company lobby conception and interior design for Bikar metal in germany
German version
Firmen Foyer Eingangsraum Konzeption und Interior Design für Bikar Metalle in Deutschland
Roman version
Elegant de afaceri intrari - Company lobby conception and interior design for Bikar metal in Germany
( next page --> )
Company receipt planning and design for a German company

Lobby concept and planning with large well design, receipt design and a discussion area
( <-- back one page )
Technical car showroom area with many light design detail

Car Showroom with many technical effects and light design
( <<-- back one chapter )
Fair Booth for Las-Vegas Show

Milo was ordered to design a 400 square meter fair booth with multiple areas for the Global Gambling Show G2E in Las Vegas.
( Index )
Äизайн выставочного и äемонстраöионного зала

Образöы оформления выставочных залов с учетом всех требований, преäъявляемых к различным виäам äизайна современных торговых öентров.
( next chapter --> )
Äекораöии äля телевизионных и театралüных сöен

Мастерской K&I были разработаны различные äекораöии äля телевизионных стуäий и театралüных сöен, нахоäящихся в самых разных уголках Европы.
о нас
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© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |
Context description:  company lobby companylobby architecture companyarchitecture lobbyarchitecture companylobbyarchitecture design companydesign lobbydesign companylobbydesign architecturedesign companyarchitecturedesign lobbyarchitecturedesign companylobbyarchitecturedesign designer companydesigner lobbydesigner companylobbydesigner architecturedesigner companyarchitecturedesigner lobbyarchitecturedesigner companylobbyarchitecturedesigner Planer companyplaner lobbyplaner companylobbyplaner architectureplaner companyarchitectureplaner lobbyarchitectureplaner companylobbyarchitectureplaner
Salzburg Austria Austrian interior interiordesign designs interiordesigns interiordesigner designers interiordesigners artist interiorartist artists interiorartists murals interiormurals Alexander Milo childrens playground planning childrensplanning playgroundplanning childrensdesign playgrounddesign