Entrance of a casino - planning and design by MILO

Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - the design of the facade on the topic ''Las Vegas'' with a portal of light - through which the visitors can enters the casino

Entrance of a casino - planning and design by MILO
Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - the design of the facade on the topic ''Las Vegas'' with a portal of light - through which the visitors can enters the casino

Casino design and Interior planning for a casino in Austria
Casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - Milo plans elegant, unusual and modern casino interior design systems around the world

Theme casino design and equipment planning for a modern casino in Austria
Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - Milo is planning a themed interior architecture design system - the visual impression is intended to give the feeling that the visitors are on the rooftop of a casino in Las Vegas.

Casino "Las Vegas" interior design for an european Casino
Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - light pillars create the impression of a temple casino concept that visitors gives the feeling - to play over the roofs of Las Vegas.

Casino design planning for a casino system equipment
Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - MILO recorded here another design equipment variant, which will give visitors the feeling - to be above the roofs over Las Vegas playing in a slot casino area.

Casino interior design with light columns and many light effects
Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - MILO realized this theme casino concept with the theme '' Las Vegas '' with lavish materials and lighting effects - an atmospheric casino.

Casino temple interior design for an european casino operator
Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - MILO realized this theme casino concept with the theme '' Las Vegas '' - stylish Casino interior design - supported by numerous light effects - inspire visitors

Temple casino interior design and planning for a large european casino society
The casino interior planning design and features with the theme '' Las Vegas '' and the atmospheric optical conversion give visitors the feeling playing on a hotel roof terrace.

Casino design planning with a wonderful Las vegas view
Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - MILO special idea gives the casino visitors - the feeling playing over the roofs of Las Vegas.

Casino gambling design in Austria
Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - for a Las Vegas casino in Austria - with many decorative materials and elements and a fun rich lighting design.

Casino interior design realized than a greek temples
Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - with starry sky, light columns and other lighting effects provide an enjoyable and eventful night at the casino

Entrance of a casino - planning and design by MILO
Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - the design of the facade on the topic ''Las Vegas'' with a portal of light - through which the visitors can enters the casino

архитектура |  дизайн
English version
Entrance of a casino - planning and design by MILO
German version
Die Design Gestaltung der Casino Fassade zum Thema ''Las Vegas''  mit einem Lichtportal - durch das man das Casino betritt
Roman version
Intrarea unui cazinou - planificare si proiectare de MILO
Italian version
Ingresso e facciata progettare un casinт - pianificazione e progettazione di MILO
( next page --> )
Casino bar planning and design

Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - Milo's ideas concepts - for new casino equipment variants - ideas and realizations worldwide. High-quality materials, glass from Murano, excellent lighting effects are incorporated by Milo in his design.
( <-- back one page )
Casino interior design realized than a greek temples

Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - with starry sky, light columns and other lighting effects provide an enjoyable and eventful night at the casino
( <<-- back one chapter )
Slots Casino planning and design for palace casino in Darmstadt

Casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - MILO plans slots Casino equipment and design - small but beautiful designed for a slot casino, with much emotion and light effects
( Index )
Casino Design concept for an european casino

Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - Milo was planning a casino here with the theme '' Las Vegas ''
( next chapter --> )
Casino bar planning and design

Slot casino planning interior design equipment turnkey - Milo's ideas concepts - for new casino equipment variants - ideas and realizations worldwide. High-quality materials, glass from Murano, excellent lighting effects are incorporated by Milo in his design.
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Context description:  Theme Casino design Themedesign Casinodesign light Themelight Casinolight designlight Themedesignlight Casinodesignlight effect Themeeffect Casinoeffect designeffect Themedesigneffect Casinodesigneffect lighteffect Themelighteffect Casinolighteffect designlighteffect Themedesignlighteffect Casinodesignlighteffect planning Themeplanning Casinoplanning designplanning Themedesignplanning Casinodesignplanning lightplanning Themelightplanning Casinolightplanning designlightplanning Themedesignlightplanning Casinodesignlightplanning effectplanning Themeeffectplanning Casinoeffectplanning designeffectplanning Themedesigneffectplanning Casinodesigneffectplanning lighteffectplanning Themelighteffectplanning Casinolighteffectplanning designlighteffectplanning Themedesignlighteffectplanning Casinodesignlighteffectplanning Las Vegas Lasvegas Atmospäre Feeling
Salzburg Austria Austrian childrens playground childrensplanning playgroundplanning childrensdesign playgrounddesign Alexander Milo interior interiordesign