Home planning - your own home - prefabricated house or solid house or solar house.

Together with our partner CHARMING HAUS we plan and realize your dream of your own home - no wishes will be remain.

YOUR prefabricated building - the dream of owning a house Prefabricated building - the floor plan for your dream home Prefabricated house shed roof - a cheap solution for my own house Prefabricated house shed roof - a cheap solution for my own house Prefabricated house shed roof - a cheap solution for my own house Prefabricated cheap house shed roof - a cheap solution for my own house Modern dream homes - a way to get your own home. Your dream prefabricated building - dream home with many different interior - options Solar prefabricated buildings - massive house variants in modern style Prefabricated building - the many possibilities of room planning in "your" dream house Beautiful dream homes in massively  prefabricated constructions Solar prefabricated building variante in modern style Bungalow for solid construction and prefabricated buildings. Your dream home as a massive - or prefabricated buildings in typical bungalow design Your dream home as a massive - or wooden prefabricated buildings in typical bungalow design Your dream home as a massive - or wooden prefabricated buildings in typical bungalow design Wonderful wooden prefabricated bungalow - a cheap starterhouse for young people Prefabricated dream building - a house with flair - CHARMING HAUS  meets your desire for the individual home. Prefabricated dream building - a house with flair - CHARMING HAUS  meets your desire for the individual home. Solar prefabricated buildings - massive house variants in modern style Prifabricated buildings - great house to buy or sell Classic elegant home with lots of space To buy or sell prefabricated house with Mediterranean flair Prefabricated house for sale - with individual interior design Prefabricated house for sale - with individual interior design Prefabricated house for sale - with individual interior design Prefabricated houses for every taste Prefabricated dream building - a house with flair - CHARMING HAUS  meets your desire for the individual home. Prefabricated dream building - a house with flair - CHARMING HAUS  meets your desire for the individual home. Prefabricated dream building - a house with flair - CHARMING HAUS  meets your desire for the individual home. Prefabricated dream building - a house with flair - CHARMING HAUS  meets your desire for the individual home. Prefabricated modern house building - a house with flair - CHARMING HAUS Stylish mediterran prefabricated house building - a house with flair - CHARMING HAUS Stylish mediterran prefabricated house building - a house with flair - CHARMING HAUS Stylish mediterran prefabricated house building - a house with flair - CHARMING HAUS Typical romatic prefabricated house building - a house where you can stay with flair - CHARMING HAUS A modern livestyle bungalow house from CHARMING HAUS Modern prefabricated  bungalow from CHARMING HAUS Modern prefabricated  bungalow from CHARMING HAUS Modern bungalow in precast concrete construction of CHARMING HAUS Small but fine prefabricated house CHARMING HAUS Small but fine prefabricated Bungalow house CHARMING HAUS Small but fine prefabricated Bungalow house CHARMING HAUS Modern lightweight concrete houses from CHARMING HAUS with individual facades and color wishes. Lightweight concrete prefabricated buildings from CHARMING HAUS  with individual floor plans Lightweight concrete prefabricated buildings from CHARMING HAUS Prefabricated houses from CHARMING HAUS planning together with you. Charming single-family homes from CHARMING HAUS Your dream of  your privat resicence from CHARMING HAUS Dream Bungalow from  CHARMING HAUS in romantic mediterranean Italian style Lightweight concrete bungalow floor plan from CHARMING HAUS in Italian style Small, fine and cheaper lightweight concrete bungalow from CHARMING HAUS Bungalow Floor Plan from CHARMING HAUS a small, fine and cost-effective solution. Lightweight concrete prefabricated houses from CHARMING HAUS with amazing winter gardens Lightweight concrete prefabricated house floor plan from CHARMING HAUS Lovely small prefabricated single family house from CHARMING HAUS Modern facade design for a lightweight precast concrete house from CHARMING HAUS Modern facade design for a lightweight precast concrete house from CHARMING HAUS
архитектура |  дизайн
English version
Home planning - your own home - prefabricated house or solid house or solar house.
German version
Eigenheim Fertig Teil Haus - das eigene Zuhause - aus Holz oder Massivbauweise
Roman version
Casa de constructii - Proiectare Case verde - casa ta - casa prefabricata, casa solida sau casa solara.
( next page --> )
YOUR prefabricated building - the dream of owning a house

Modern prefabricated or solid buildings - also homes with renewable energy -  solar homes - we plan and realize your DREAM-house - together with our partner CHARMING HAUS.
( <-- back one page )
Modern wooden prefabricated house ELA   - a large living area with an excellent price

Wooden prefabricated house ELA - a very comfortable modern house with 145m ² - a beautiful home for young families. The price is sensational!
( <<-- back one chapter )
Wooden prefabricated houses - in the best European quality

Wooden prefabricated houses and bungalows in an excellent European quality - with Austrian certifications and acceptance tests - for a very cost-effective and worry-free living. We also manufacture wooden prefabricated houses according to your special wishes and plans.
( Index )
Архитектура и äизайн в ателüе "хуäошество и иäея"

Мастер Мило – арт-äиректор фирмы «Kunst & Ideen Keg» показывает свое творчество zeigt seine Arbeiten - Erlebnisgastronomie, (Innen)Architektur, Messestandbau, TV-Ausstattungen, Kinderspielplätze und Kunsthandwerk
( next chapter --> )
Plug & Save - photovoltaic system for home users for self-assembling

Plug & Save photovoltaic system reduce cost of electricity, 100% self-consumption. Photovoltaic modules for easy assembly, and later extension.
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© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |  office@kunst-und-ideen.com
Context description:  Massiv prefabricated house Massivhouse prefabricatedhouse construction Massivconstruction prefabricatedconstruction houseconstruction Massivhouseconstruction prefabricatedhouseconstruction planning Massivplanning prefabricatedplanning houseplanning Massivhouseplanning prefabricatedhouseplanning finance Massivfinance prefabricatedfinance housefinance Massivhousefinance prefabricatedhousefinance loans Massivloans prefabricatedloans houseloans Massivhouseloans prefabricatedhouseloans constructionloans Massivconstructionloans prefabricatedconstructionloans houseconstructionloans Massivhouseconstructionloans prefabricatedhouseconstructionloans planningloans Massivplanningloans prefabricatedplanningloans houseplanningloans Massivhouseplanningloans prefabricatedhouseplanningloans financeloans Massivfinanceloans prefabricatedfinanceloans housefinanceloans Massivhousefinanceloans prefabricatedhousefinanceloans Solarhouse