Bar design vison with light games

Modern bar with objects and projections which are changing the room pernamently and give him new impressions.

Bar design vison with light games
Modern bar with objects and projections which are changing the room pernamently and give him new impressions.

Idea developments for unusual projects in the Gastronomy
Restaurant bar interior design for unusual projects for hotels, restaurants, bars...

Catering bar planning for an entertainment center with several bars
 Gastronomy bar planning for an entertainment center - here a planning ideas for a multi-functional bar with restaurant and live music stage. Seating areas are partly get on platforms with an attractive space voltage

Catering bar planning for an entertainment center with several bars
 Gastronomy bar planning variant for an entertainment center - here a planning ideas for a multi-functional bar with restaurant and live music venue. Numerous area attractions and lighting effects make this restaurant an event

Elegant coffee house bar - a stylish gastronomy bar
Elegant coffee house bar - a stylish bar in an entertainment center with numerous local bars and restaurants. an experience for all guests

Bistro bar restaurant - in a large entertainment gastronomy
Bistro bar restaurant - in a large entertainment gastronomy - with artificial vault. High quality materials and lighting effects make this bistro to a feel-good experience

Bistro bar restaurant - in a large entertainment gastronomy
 Bistro bar restaurant - in a large entertainment gastronomy - with artificial vault. High quality materials and lighting effects make this bistro to a feel-good experience

Lounge and bar area for the entertainment center in the "Coffe-In" at Salzburg
Restaurant bar interior design - the bar in the Coffe-In is planned with wonderful color contrast and material-mixes became a tendencyful center of the entire restaurant cycle ' ' coffe-In '' in Salzburg.

Lounge & Bar concept interior design for the Coffe-In
Restaurant bar interior design - the Lounge is the maintenance area, bar and restaurant offers a really good feeling for the visitors.

Restaurant bar interior design - desk for the coffee preparation
Restaurant bar interior design - this special Bardesk is the functional and visual center in the Gastro area of the Coffe-In. Here the coffee is prepared and beverages will be delivered.

Lounge bar interior design concept planning - variant for the Coffe-In
Lounge bar interior design and planning variant - with wood-lamellas, stylful fuurnitures - and a special light design - makes a really elegant concept

Lounge bar interior design concept planning - variant for the Coffe-In
Lounge bar interior design and planning variant - for younger people group - more multicolored, worse, with many design and decoration details and an impressive light Design - a typical city lounge

Bar design for a champagne bar in the SCS Shopping center in Vienna
Bar design planning and realisation for a champagne bar in Vienna

Bar design for a champagne bar in the SCS Shopping center in Vienna
Bar Design - Planning and realization of a champagne bar in the SCS in Vienna. Led mood lighting and small projections show an atmospheric bar

Bar design for a champagne bar in the SCS Shopping center in Vienna
Bar Design - Planning and realization of a champagne bar in the SCS in Vienna. Led mood lighting and small projections show an atmospheric bar

Milo and "Art & Ideas" develops always new ideas & concepts for every bar design.
Restaurant bar interior design are mady by KUNST & IDEEN with many art- and lighteffects.

bar-design with a "area in the area" gastronomy concept design
Restaurant bar interior design - dream bar set with a fantastic space feeling and romantic lighting effects and noble materials as center of a hotel.

Restaurant bar interior design - dance temple disco design - "area in the room concept"
Discotheque interior design - dance area conception in a special designed area with fantastic lighting effects and noble materials completes the interior-design

Bar design vison with light games
Modern bar with objects and projections which are changing the room pernamently and give him new impressions.

Glass bar interior design visions
Bar interior design - Bar with glass floor, white gravel below and LED light effects, white furnitures. Light effects are changing the room impressions and feelings pernamently

Lounge bar design for a small city-gastronomy
Lounge bar design - mad music and effect luminous walls changeing constantly their color - wall light objects and cosy furnitures

Hotel restaurant bar planning design - Hotel Montana Bad Mitterndorf
Hotel Restaurant bar interior design planning - Here we have made a general concept for the hotel restaurant and bar - with alpine style materials and LED effect light planned and implemented.

Hotel restaurant bar planning design - Hotel Montana Bad Mitterndorf
Hotel Restaurant bar interior design planning - here's the design for the restaurant bar with optical low room splitter and the buffet area. The doors we have specially accented with superior backlit glass panels.

Hotel restaurant bar planning design - Hotel Montana Bad Mitterndorf
Hotel restaurant bar interior design planning - here the hotel bar implementation with integrated lighting effects.

Hotel bar restaurant design planning - realization of the bar in hotel Montana, Bad Mitterndorf
Hotel restaurant bar interior design planning - here the hotel bar implementation with integrated lighting effects.

Hotel bar planning design - Hotel Alpine Flachau
Hotel restaurant bar interior design planning - hotel bar, located directly on the ski slopes of the Flachau ski area.

Hotel bar interior planning design - view of the hotel bar
Hotel restaurant bar interior design planning - here is a sketch front view of the bar - tel bar - with light gray bricks and red bar top - made of leather.

Hotel bar interior planning design - view of the hotel bar
Hotel Restaurant Bar Interior Planung Design - here the bar implementation - nearing completion - with many lighting effects and alpine materials for the equipment

Restaurant bar interior design for hotels
Hotel bar interior decoration design will be created for every hotel restaurant area

Traditional coffe-bar interior concept for Bucharest
Bar interior design - Idea-conception for a hotel design with a coffee area in Bukarest. Planned with modern and traditionell styled equipment.

Gastronomy planning for a coffe-haus in Bucharest
Gastronomy bar design for a traditional coffee bar interior design for Bucharest

Lounge-bar interior design conception for Bucharest
Bar interior design - Coffee house concept for a hotel in Bucharest. Cosy furniture, art objects, plant decoration and a special light Design give a special flair to this area.

Bar interior design for Casino Austria in Graz
Bar lounge interior design - Stylish glass and light wall design with LED lights. In front a black and red bar-fassade of marble with glass light elements.

Популярные бистро и бар Good Times
Оригиналüная мебелü и разнообразные элементы (антикварные и не толüко) созäают приятную атмосферу.

Пивной паб в носталüгическом стиле
Пивной паб со сöеной äля провеäения äжазовых конöертов. Оформление и оригиналüная поäсветка созäают оченü приятную атмосферу.

архитектура |  дизайн
English version
Bar design vison with light games
German version
Bar Design Planung - Barvision mit Lichtspielen
Roman version
Design Bar cu jocuri de lumina
Italian version
Bar design vison with light games
( next page --> )
Glass bar interior design visions

Bar interior design - Bar with glass floor, white gravel below and LED light effects, white furnitures. Light effects are changing the room impressions and feelings pernamently
( <-- back one page )
Restaurant bar interior design - dance temple disco design - "area in the room concept"

Discotheque interior design - dance area conception in a special designed area with fantastic lighting effects and noble materials completes the interior-design
( <<-- back one chapter )
Show brewery concept in Salzburg

Restaurant design - Brewery with large show area in the middle of the city. A large, romantic gardenarea as a meeting place for the guests.
( Index )
Популярные бистро, бары и рестораны - äизайн и реализаöия

Все бары и рестораны, выполненные нами, быстро стали популярными местами äля различных мероприятий и VIP-встреч. Вложение среäств в великолепный äизайн и прекрасное исполнение оправäывает себя в считанные месяöы.
( next chapter --> )
Kiosk design and planning for a gastronomic restaurant

Kiosk or small local design and planning for a specialty restaurant. A meeting place for gourmets - they are loving exquisite wines and foods.
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