Luxury mansion wellness bath room interior design and planning for an elegant classic bath area.

Villa wellness and bath room design and planning - whirlpool with colums, lightsky with many romatic lightemotions

Luxury mansion wellness bath room interior design and planning for an elegant classic bath area.
Villa wellness and bath room design and planning - whirlpool with colums, lightsky with many romatic lightemotions

Dream bath design - "Art & Ideas" architecture realize dreams
Bath interior decoration design - the interior decorator Milo realises projects

Indoor swimming pool design - in arabian style
Indoor swimming pool design - artificial rocks and a water source renewing the bathing water. Wall paintings and a ornamental marble sand floor. Stylish bath furnitures rounds up the equipment.

Luxury mansion wellness bath room interior design and planning for an elegant classic bath area.
Villa wellness and bath room design and planning - whirlpool with colums, lightsky with many romatic lightemotions

Luxury bath design for a wellness oasis
Villa wellness and bath room design and planning - whirlpool with colums, lightsky with many romatic lightemotions

Wellness and bath room interior design and planning for an elegant bath
luxury wellness and  bath room design and planning - whirlpool with colums, lightsky with many romatic lightemotions

Bath and wellness room interior design and planning for an elegant classic bath room
Bath and wellness room design and planning - whirlpool with colums, lightsky with many romatic lightemotions

Dream bath planning - privat romantic bath for a wonderful home
Dream bath planning - modern bath ambiente in romantic design with mural wall paintings and cotto floor.

Dream bath planning - shower area of the romantic bath
Dream bath planning - view of the other side of the romantic, privat bath area.

Bath design and planning for a classic bath room
Bath design with elegant murals - trompe lґoeil style - many light effects, marble floor and accessoires

Indoor swimming pool design and concept for a private house
Dream indoor swimming pool design - light effects and a waterfalls make this romantic dream bath to a special place in a private house in Vienna

Ванная во франöузском стиле
Терракотовые полы, мозаика из натуралüных камней, встроенные в стены латунные окантовки и колонны с лепными украшениями. Ласкающий глаз свет и звезäное небо.

Великолепная романтическая ванная в стиле «Тоскана»
Колонны с лепными украшениями и «звезäное небо» преäставляют собой конöептуалüный öентр ванной. Расположенные по обе стороны от äуша раковины äелают композиöию особенно интересной и запоминающейся.

Ванная как преäмет искусства
Зеркала и äрагоöенное Муранское стекло из Венеöии, колонны, регулируемое äля разных типов поäсветки «звезäное небо». Общее оформление в конöепöии Trompe l' oeil созäает иллюзии пространства.

Wellness and bathroom equipment in the elegant luxury range for a Spanish customer
Luxury bath and wellness area - elegant materials and high-quality equipment for a luxury bath room

Bathroom design equipment and murals in the area for an elegant luxury Romanian customers
Bad design experience with trompe l'oeil painting for a Romanian client

архитектура |  дизайн
English version
Luxury mansion spa wellness bath room interior design and planning for an elegant classic bath
German version
Luxus Spa Wellness Badezimmer Interior Design und Planung für ein elegantes Bad
Roman version
Design interior camera de Baie si planificare pentru o baie eleganta.
Italian version
Luxury mansion spa wellness bath room interior design and planning for an elegant classic bath
( next page --> )
Luxury bath design for a wellness oasis

Villa wellness and bath room design and planning - whirlpool with colums, lightsky with many romatic lightemotions
( <-- back one page )
Indoor swimming pool design - in arabian style

Indoor swimming pool design - artificial rocks and a water source renewing the bathing water. Wall paintings and a ornamental marble sand floor. Stylish bath furnitures rounds up the equipment.
( <<-- back one chapter )
Carinthian country living room interior design and planning

Carinthian country design room and interior design - modern and old-style resources - for a cozy living room
( Index )
Ванные, о которых можно толüко мечтатü –Wellness и отäых

Ваш интимный уголок äля отäыха. Спеöиалüно äля вас разработанный стилü ванной из благороäных элитных материалов.
( next chapter --> )
"Coffe-In"  Salzburg

Restaurant and lounge interior design - in the western part of Salzburg a new type of restaurant will be developt including coffee roastery, 3 theme restaurants and lounge. The high level gastronomy should be a center of attraction for guests with high expectations.
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© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |
Context description:  Villa bath room Villaroom bathroom interior Villainterior bathinterior roominterior Villaroominterior bathroominterior design Villadesign bathdesign roomdesign Villaroomdesign bathroomdesign planner Villaplanner bathplanner roomplanner Villaroomplanner bathroomplanner interiorplanner Villainteriorplanner bathinteriorplanner roominteriorplanner Villaroominteriorplanner bathroominteriorplanner designplanner Villadesignplanner bathdesignplanner roomdesignplanner Villaroomdesignplanner bathroomdesignplanner equipment Villaequipment bathequipment roomequipment Villaroomequipment bathroomequipment interiorequipment Villainteriorequipment bathinteriorequipment roominteriorequipment Villaroominteriorequipment bathroominteriorequipment designequipment Villadesignequipment bathdesignequipment roomdesignequipment Villaroomdesignequipment bathroomdesignequipment mansion
luxus luxusbath luxusinterior luxusbathinterior luxusdesign luxusbathdesign interiordesign luxusinteriordesign bathinteriordesign designer luxury