Milo and Pap shoes theire work in a improved gallery

Art and Design show Milo with his pictures White faces together with the hungarian plastiker PAP

Milo and Pap shoes theire work in a improved gallery
Art and Design show Milo with his pictures White faces together with the hungarian plastiker PAP

Trompe lґoeil and or murals for interior-design and Event-equipment - from art & ideas.
Murals decorative equipment for interior design and Event-Equipment and Stage-design by ''art & ideas''

Оформление Trompe l'oeil на стенах в восточном стиле
Фрагмент стены, оформленной в восточном стиле с мотивами прироäы в оäном из ресторанов австрийской провинöии «Каринтия».

3D plastics and murals in a privat bath
A mediterrane carving and a modelled 3D landscape together with murral gives us a wonderful symbiosis

Landscape as 3D experience in a private indoor swimming pool
The cpmplex plastics makes a really good room-experience possible.

Äверöы лифта – эксклюзивная композиöия Trompe l'oeil в Вашем äоме
Инäивиäуалüное оформление вхоäа в лифт. Вхоä в лифт осуществляется через «обычные», спеöиалüно отäеланные äвери.  Äверü в винный погреб обрамлена каменной стеной.

Exclusive Trompe l'oeil paintings for your elevator doors
Trompe l'oeil - art wall painting and 3D landscape sculptures - Art mural concept for the whole house

Wall painting and interior design for the information center Altenmarkt Zauchensee
Trompe l'oeil mural wall painting and landscape sculptures - design for a mural  trompe l'oeil painting in the tourist center of Altenmarkt.

Mural painting in an autohouse - an engine floats over the clouds
The wall painting and/or Trompe lґoeil painting was selected in such a way together with the space decoration that everything represents an optical unit.

Detail of a wall mural painting in a car showroom
Mural painting show a engine detail in a car showrrom conception.

Бассейн с искусственным каменным пейзажем
Мастер Мило реализовал этот искусственный каменный пейзаж в оäном из бассейнов на оäной из частных вилл непоäалеку от Вены.

Artist Milo - and his picture "dream time"
Milo paints many murrals (wallart pictures) and arranges light and sound objects for private ones and also for exhibitions.

The beautiful Helena was created by Milo for Company Polzer in Salzburg
' ' The beautiful Helena' ' confusion of the love, which euphoric view of the things - they never are like it looks.

In the midle of the City Salzburg is the position of "the beautiful Helena"
Miloґs  Art object ''COW - beautiful Hellena'' 200 art cows were exhibited in Salzburg - object sculptures - the cow that seems to be more - or not .... or all things have two faces ...

Fine art objects in trompe l'oeil art for private clients
Milo's trompe l'oeil mural - this picture with the theme of dreams and time - supported by light effects - for a satisfied private clients.

Fine mural wall painting in trompe l'oeil for a romantic winter garden
Mural / trompe l'oeil in a bright winter garden in charming, cheerful colors - supported with special lighting effects.

Mural and art objects by Milo
Fine painting with hidden, secret stories and elements as mural - trompe l'oeil -paintings and art objects

Milo shoes present his pictures "white faces" in a art gallery
Art painter shows his white faces in a art gallery in Salzburg

Miloґs white faces where presented in a special gallery in Salzburg
Trompe lґoeil murals and 3D portrait objects - plastic faces, light plays through brightly and darkly contrasts

Milo and Pap shoes theire work in a improved gallery
Art and Design show Milo with his pictures White faces together with the hungarian plastiker PAP

3D portrait objects - Milo and Pap shoes theire work in a improved gallery
Art and design - Milo show his pictures white faces together with the hungarian plastiker PAP

white faces 3 D composition
Milo shows 3 D art painting and plastic compositions in his white faces pictures

3D art design plastics White Faces in the constantly changing LED light
3D art plastics in the changed light always in new accents and tendencies

архитектура |  дизайн
English version
3D portrait objects - Milo and Pap shoes theire work in a improved gallery
German version
Der Künstler Milo zeigte seine 3D Portrait Objekte - Bilder
Roman version
Artistul Milo a aratat obiectele sale portret 3D - peisaje
( next page --> )
3D portrait objects - Milo and Pap shoes theire work in a improved gallery

Art and design - Milo show his pictures white faces together with the hungarian plastiker PAP
( <-- back one page )
Miloґs white faces where presented in a special gallery in Salzburg

Trompe lґoeil murals and 3D portrait objects - plastic faces, light plays through brightly and darkly contrasts
( <<-- back one chapter )
Äекораöии äля телевизионных и театралüных сöен

Мастерской K&I были разработаны различные äекораöии äля телевизионных стуäий и театралüных сöен, нахоäящихся в самых разных уголках Европы.
( Index )
Мастерская искусства хуäожественных промыслов и Trompe l'oeil

Мастерская искусства преäлагает äополнителüные услуги äля разработки äизайна интерüеров.
( next chapter --> )
Slot casino gambling hall design for a CI prototype of gambling halls in Germany

Slot casino planning design equipment turnkey - Milo designs and implements casino and gambling hall projects for clients around the world in a unique design and best quality. Theme casino design plans are in safe hands and will be implemented with great attention to detail.
о нас
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идеи & концепции

частное & люкс
гастрономия & наслаждение

дети & развлекательные миры
мероприятия & сцены
казино & игры
контакт&выходные данные
ссылки & партнеры
© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |
Context description:  Vernissage art object Vernissageobject artobject mural Vernissagemural artmural Concept Vernissageconcept artconcept objectsconcept Vernissageobjectsconcept artobjectsconcept muralsconcept Vernissagemuralsconcept artmuralsconcept objectsmuralsconcept Vernissageobjectsmuralsconcept artobjectsmuralsconcept Design Vernissagedesign artdesign objectsdesign Vernissageobjectsdesign artobjectsdesign muralsdesign Vernissagemuralsdesign artmuralsdesign objectsmuralsdesign Vernissageobjectsmuralsdesign artobjectsmuralsdesign Conceptdesign Vernissageconceptdesign artconceptdesign objectsconceptdesign Vernissageobjectsconceptdesign artobjectsconceptdesign muralsconceptdesign Vernissagemuralsconceptdesign artmuralsconceptdesign objectsmuralsconceptdesign Vernissageobjectsmuralsconceptdesign artobjectsmuralsconceptdesign
Salzburg Austria Austrian childrens playground planning childrensplanning playgroundplanning design childrensdesign playgrounddesign Alexander Milo interior interiordesign designs interiordesigns