Interior design by Milo for residencial buildings and apartements

Interior design and also renovation including all relevant needs for planning are offered by KUNST & IDEEN

Through our long-standing contacts we have found excellent wooden prefabricated houses - at a fraction of conventional construction costs - all with Austrian TÜV and EU certifications. OUR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: - VISIONS - DREAMS - IDEAS - PREPLANNING / DETAIL PLANNING - MATERIAL SELECTION - TENDERS - CONTROLLING - AUDIT
архитектура |  дизайн
English version
Milo is planning for residential buildings and apartments
German version
Milo plant Umbauten und neue Traumhäuser für Privatbereiche
Roman version
Milo proiecteaza cladiri rezidentiale si apartamente private
Italian version
Milo prevede di ristrutturazione e di nuove case da sogno per tutti i settori privati
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Miloґs Gastronomy Design & Concepts

Planning for gastronomy, theme- and Loungeinterior from KUNST & IDEEN. Always looking for new materials and new lighting design opportunities and permanent artistic challenges are the driving force for the interior designer Milo. We are planning for you:  hotels, entrance areas, restaurants, bars, very happy, topics facilities and plans for restaurants, exhebitions and events.
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Interior designer and artist Milo making a presentation

Interior design - experience, competence and passion for his profession are the driving impulses for the architect Milo
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Архитектура и äизайн в ателüе "хуäошество и иäея"

Мастер Мило – арт-äиректор фирмы «Kunst & Ideen Keg» показывает свое творчество zeigt seine Arbeiten - Erlebnisgastronomie, (Innen)Architektur, Messestandbau, TV-Ausstattungen, Kinderspielplätze und Kunsthandwerk
( Index )
Kunst & Ideen – Искусство & иäеи от äизайнера и архитектора по интерüерам Мило

Эта выгоäная комбинаöия является иäеалüной преäпосылкой, чтобы соеäинитü точностü архитектора с прекрасным хуäожественным оформлением, в котором реализуются все Ваши преäпочтения.
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Alexander Milo and his philosophy

Anything out of the ordinary - that is our idea of life! There, where many  are satisfied, we start / begin with the job - because there are the new ideas and visions - the new limits !   Only someone who has the courage to go to or beyond these limits, can really find something new ! Experience, wisdom, new areas / spaces, maybe themself !
о нас
наша философия
идеи & концепции

частное & люкс
гастрономия & наслаждение

дети & развлекательные миры
мероприятия & сцены
казино & игры
контакт&выходные данные
ссылки & партнеры
© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |
Context description:  Milo Interior Milointerior Design Milodesign Interiordesign Milointeriordesign Designer Milodesigner Interiordesigner Milointeriordesigner Designdesigner Milodesigndesigner Interiordesigndesigner Milointeriordesigndesigner Architect Miloarchitect Interiorarchitect Milointeriorarchitect Designarchitect Milodesignarchitect Interiordesignarchitect Milointeriordesignarchitect Planner Miloplanner Interiorplanner Milointeriorplanner Designplanner Milodesignplanner Interiordesignplanner Milointeriordesignplanner Designerplanner Milodesignerplanner Interiordesignerplanner Milointeriordesignerplanner Designdesignerplanner Milodesigndesignerplanner Interiordesigndesignerplanner Milointeriordesigndesignerplanner Architectplanner Miloarchitectplanner Interiorarchitectplanner Milointeriorarchitectplanner Designarchitectplanner Milodesignarchitectplanner Interiordesignarchitectplanner Milointeriordesignarchitectplanner
Salzburg Austria Austrian kids play park design planning architecture Alexander childrens